Međunarodna energetska konferencija o biomasi i obnovljivim izvorima energije

Budućnost bioenergije u odnosu na fosilna goriva

LEADING EXPERTS: European and International Pellets and Biomass Associations Coming to Zagreb!

This year’s conference retains a high level of international speakers and participants. The President of the European Pellet Council, Eric Vial, will hold a lecture on the importance of certification and promotion on the use of pellets. Representatives of the global leading association in bioenergy sector, the World Bioenergy Association (WBA), will speak about the role of bioenergy in the European energy policy and the impact on climate change. WBA is actively advocating replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. To Zagreb is also coming the Italian Association of Biomass Producers, AIEL, which actively promotes development and increased use of agricultural and wood biomass and wood fuels.